Discovering Your Value
At Creativeworks Marketing, we always begin our marketing projects with a discovery phase. This initial step can range from a simple information-gathering meeting with you to a more in-depth exploration of your brand.
The purpose of the discovery phase is to gain a comprehensive understanding of your brand and its value to your customers. For more extensive projects, such as rebranding, we not only hold discovery meetings with you and key team members, but also facilitate various market research methods. Our trusted research process has consistently delivered proven results, ensuring that we are well-equipped to support your marketing goals.
With three decades of market research expertise, our team helps companies understand their customers, competitors, and their market using innovative, custom qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Our Discovery Services

When was the last time someone asked your customers why they chose you as their service/product provider? The purpose of conducting customer research is to learn more about your customers, including information about why they choose your business, how they feel about your business, what they like and dislike, and in some cases, it is also an opportunity to ask customers about a new service/product you are thinking of introducing.
We know how small businesses work: not only because we are one, but also because that’s who we work with. Business owners often rely on what they think their customers think, but when we get involved, we find out what they “really” think and create a brand based on knowing what are your customers’ views. Our team will develop the right research approach to gain a better understanding of the needs, habits, and desires of your current and prospective customers.
Whether through in-person meetings, focus groups, online surveys, or via phone, the goal of this research is to gain insight into your customers’ behaviours, needs, preferences, and experiences to help you better position your company to align with those of your customers.

Ever wonder what your competitors are doing and you’re not? Our Competitive Research eliminates assumptions and guesswork. Once you identify your top competitors, CWM will work hands-on to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses with the goal of creating a stronger unique selling proposition for your business.
There is no other agency that does what we do! We go the extra step whether in-person, online, or over the phone to ask the questions and find the answers you need to grow your business. This often includes pricing intel, product origin and customer service information, and insights that always give you an “aha” moment that promises a bright future for your company.

Whether you are a start-up or an existing enterprise with an idea for expansion into a new market, you’ll need CWM to conduct a full analysis of the market to identify and analyze market opportunities that can lead to profitable ventures and strategic business expansions.
Thoroughly analyzing market opportunities before “jumping into a market with both feet” is the only calculated process that yields success. We employ various strategies and methodologies to understand the landscape of potential market opportunities for your business.
Although market opportunities often result from a perceived gap in the market, our research will help you to understand the feasibility and potential for profitability within that gap.